Sunday, August 06, 2006


*sigh* Well, I have a deadline and (tentative) release date for "A Single Rose". I have to have that sucker finished by September 1st in order to make my release date of October 6th. I am so screwed it's not even funny. Lemme put it to you thin way... I am only a few paragraphs into chapter 5 and I have only outlined the book through chapter 16. DAMN IT!! I have to write EVERY DAY in order to hopefully make my deadline. Good Lord, what the hell have I been doing? My muse has abandoned me and I can't find my rythm. It's VERY frustrating. Mike blames himself for me not being able to write, he says he's been distracting me and keeping me from my writing. What he doesn't understand is that a writer needs to "feel" like writing, or needs to hear the voices. I dunno how else to explain it to him so that he doesn't feel bad about me not getting any writing done. He'll get it eventually I suppose, but for now I need to figure out how to get my "mojo" back. Anyhoo, I'll stop rambling now. THe good news is... "A Single Rose" has a cover and should be on the coming soon page at Forbidden within the next day or two. I'll be posting that sucker everywhere when I get it too... LOL. Nitey nite all.

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